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The 3 Secrets of Happiness

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Want more?

I've got a special deal for you ... 

Over the last decade, I've written a bunch of ebooks.  In the last year alone (2019 - 2020), I've written ten ebooks, most of which cover "digital marketing made simple" or "self-development made simple".  I'm offering them as a bundle for a special, low price ...

Grab my Entire Ebooks Bundle, 20 ebooks, a value of $957 dollars, for only ... 


That's a 92.7% discount  and a savings of $853 dollars!!!

Here's an overview of the 20 Ebooks you'll get for the ridiculously low price of $7 dollars!  (That's about the cost of going to the movies for two people and buying a bucket of popcorn and a large soda!)

20 Ebooks, a $957 dollar value, for only $67 dollars!  That's a 93% discount and a savings of $90 dollars!  (Even this bird was surprised!)


Check out the 20 ebooks in the Ebooks Bundle that  you will get ... plus the Bonus Surprise Pack ... scroll down to find out more 

Click on the covers to enlarge them
Scroll down for safe, secure payment
Only $67 dollars for all 20 ebooks + a bonus surprise ... scroll down to find out what it is! 

1)  Hooked!
Discover the 7 principles of attraction marketing that you can use in life & business for success.  How to turn indifferent prospects into loyal customers who are hooked for life!
category:  Digital Marketing Made Simple

sales price:  $37

2)  101 Profitable Headlines
101 Profitable Headlines you can use to build your audience and grow your profits.  Guaranteed to boost your open rates by 78%.  Get website visitors to stop dead in their tracks, insanely curious to find out what happens next, with these irresistible headlines, guaranteed to grow your email list and double your conversions.

category:  Digital Marketing Made Simple

sales price:  $37

3)  The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template BluePrint

Businesses and freelancers need customers.  An effective squeeze page will help them generate a customer list.  This ebook will show you how to build a squeeze page.  This is the ultimate squeeze page template blueprint you can use to start your own squeeze page building business / lead generation business and earn thousands of dollars a month.
category:  Digital Marketing Made Simple

sales price:  $37

4)  The Ultimate Landing Page Template BluePrint

Businesses and freelancers need sales.  An effective landing page will help them get sales.  This ebook will show you how to build a landing page.  This is the ultimate landing page template blueprint you can use to start your own landing page building business / lead generation business and earn thousands of dollars a month.
category:  Digital Marketing Made Simple

sales price:  $37

5) The Ultimate Email Sequence Template BluePrint

This is the ultimate email sequence template blueprint you can use to build rapport and grow profits.  Includes fill-in-the-blank email sequence templates you can use to write emails in minutes, instead of hours or days.  This 150+ page ebook is value-packed with templates you can use, and indepth overviews of the 5-letter email sequence, the 7-letter email sequence, the 12-letter email sequence, and the "when I first landed" email sequence that operates like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story, inviting the reader to participate in a journey he'll never forget.  You're gonna love this ebook!  Out of all the ebooks that I've written so far, this is one of my favorites.  Even I use it as a reference manual.  Use this ebook to build your audience and convert them from indifferent prospects to loyal fans eager to buy your product or service.

category:  Digital Marketing Made Simple
sales price:  $67

6)  The Ultimate AutoResponder's Guide

Unsure of which AutoResponder to choose?  This ebook explores  30+ autoresponders, putting them under a microscope, so you can determine which autoresponder is best for you.

category:  Digital Marketing Made Simple

sales price:  $37

7)  The 3 Secrets of Happiness
Uncover the 3 secrets of happiness that can change your life!  category:  Self-Development Made Simple

sales price:  $37

8)  Comfort Magnets
Discover the real secret you can use to manifest whatever you want!  Discover the Secret Law of Attraction you can use to attract whatever you want!

category:  Self-Development Made Simple

sales price:  $37

9)  The One Thing
Discover the one thing you can do to change your life.

category:  Self-Development Made Simple

sales price:  $37

10)  The Powerful Technique
Discover the powerful technique you can use to change your life. category:  Self-Development Made Simple

sales price:  $37

11)  Fix your Life (in 5 minutes or less)

A 400+ page ebook of value-packed techniques you can use immediately to change your life, in 5 minutes or less.  These are simple strategies that yield powerful results.

category:  Self-Development Made Simple

sales price:  $37

12) The Shift Diet
Shift your thinking, lose the weight.  Uncover the simple strategies to natural weight loss in 30 days!

category:  Health & Wellness Made Simple

sales price:  $37

13)  Mindset Diet Secrets

Revealed:  The secret to weight loss that no one told you about.  This is the done-for-you diet strategy that will get you guaranteed results, effortlessly.

category:  Health & Wellness Made Simple

sales price:  $37

14) 30 Days to SuperPowers
Discover how to get a flat stomach and look 15-to-20 years younger, in ten days or less, using ancient techniques that Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about!  This ebook offers natural cures to over 76 diseases, including cancer, arthritis, glaucoma, and more.  Grab your copy now before Big Pharma shuts this page down!

category:  Health & Wellness Made Simple

sales price:  $67

15)  Sleep Without Waking Up to Pee
Revealed:  15 effective remedies that will enable you to sleep without waking up to pee!  Finally, get the full night's sleep your body needs!

category:  Health & Wellness Made Simple

sales price:  $37

16)  Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land
Discover how to find, buy, and flip properties--land, houses, mobile homes--in Florida, or anywhere else in the United States, for fun and profit!  Revealed:  How a college dropout (me) bought a house in Florida for $2,800 and sold it for $20,000.  Who else wants to get checks to their mailbox every month?

category:  Real Estate Investing Made Simple


sales price:  $97

17)  Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)

Discover how to generate big profits using FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon).  Revealed:  The behind-the-scenes methods ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits using Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon).

category:  Laptop Lifestyle Secrets Revealed


sales price:  $67

18)  How to Travel Europe Cheap
Travel Europe like we did--for $5 dollars a day or less.  If two college dropouts (us) can do it, so can you.

category:  Travel Secrets Revealed


sales price:  $37

19) The Power of Financing

This is the wealth generator most people don't know about!  Get checks to your mailbox every month!  Turn your property-investing enterprise into an ATM machine!  Discover wealth-generating techniques that work in any economy!

category:  Real Estate Investing Made Simple


sales price:  $37

20) Find Florida Land - Action Plan
The action plan you can use to find bargain properties in Florida, or anywhere else in the United States, and flip them for fun and profit!  Even if you have a low credit score or no money of your own!

category:  Real Estate Investing Made Simple


sales price: $37

Grab this deal!  You're getting immediate access to 20 Ebooks, valued at $957 dollars, for only $67 dollars!  That's a 93% discount and a savings of $890 dollars!

Click the "Buy Now with PayPal" button below to get instant access to the entire ebook collection, 20 ebooks, a $920 dollar value, for only ...


Order with confidence
This is a safe, secure payment using PayPal verified™ payment and SendOwl™ fulfillment services.

One more thing ...

If you order before the countdown timer runs out below ....


You'll  get the Bonus Surprise Pack (Ebook Collection) - 190 ebooks, a $3,740 dollar value, completely free ... If you order before the timer runs out above!

(Scroll down to see some of the titles.)

Please Note:  This valuable collection of Bonus Ebooks is your Knowledge College!   You can use the simple, powerful, effective strategies in this massive  Bonus Surprise Pack (Ebooks Collection) to completely reinvent yourself and transform your life into something awesome!

Imagine how that would feel to wake up happy, doing what you want with your life, being financially free and financially independent, sharing your life with that special someone who loves you unconditionally.  

Isn't it time you created the life you want instead of living for other people?

If you're feeling stuck or trapped in life, you owe it to yourself to get the strategies and techniques within these ebooks, that you can use to get the life and love you want!

It's been said, "You're only as good as your tools".  Within these ebooks are the tools you can use to create the life and love you deserve!

These ebooks also offer systems that you can use and blueprints that you can follow that will help you reach your goals--financial goals, relationship goals, health goals, and mindset goals.

Using both the tools and the systems within these ebooks, you are guaranteed to save time, save money, and see results that are both measurable and specific, faster than you ever thought possible!

Right now, you have a decision to make:  Keep living your life the way it currently is, or discover the tools and systems you can use to reinvent your life into something that you've always dreamed of.

The choice is yours.  You can make excuses or you can make a difference.  

Make a difference in your life, and in the lives of those you love .... it's easy when you have the tools and systems revealed within the ebooks below ...

Here's a few of the ebooks you will get with the Bonus Surprise Pack ...

Thought Vibration

Unlimited Power

The Way of the Seal

The Upside of your Dark Side
The Power of your Subconscious Mind

The Power of Eye Contact

The Monk who sold his Ferrari

The Leader who had no Title

The Laws of Human Nature

The Affluent Artist

The $100 Startup

The 80/20 Principle

The 33 Strategies of War

The Leader who had no Title

The Laws of Human Nature

The Affluent Artist

The 33 Strategies of War

The 5am Club

The Science of Getting Rich

The Richest Man in Babylon

The Lost 7 Secrets of Success

The Laws of Human Nature

The Law of Attraction - Plain and Simple

The Greatest Money Making Secret

The Golden Rules of Acquiring Wealth

The 5 Pillars of Biblical Success

Success Secrets of The Bible
Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Show Your Work!

Secrets of the Rich

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

The Richest Man in Babylon

Raving Fans!
Public Domain Profit

The Path to Prosperity
Open your Mind to Receive
None of these Diseases

No More Mr. Nice Guy
New Truth to the Fountain of Youth
The 5-Second Rule:  Transform Your Life
Life's Golden Ticket

Law of Attraction - Let your Thoughts Determine your Destiny

How to Turn your Ability into Cash

How to Manifest your Desires

Grow Rich with Peace of Mind
Go Suck a Lemon

Getting to "I Do"

Feeling Good

Exactly Where to Start

Emotional Intelligence
Embrace your Greatness
Dark Psychology 101

Creative Mind and Success
Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth

Achieve Anything in Just One Year

As a Man Thinketh

The Freedom of Life

The Power of Concentration

Embrace your Greatness

Dark Psychology 101C

Creative Mind and Success

As a Man Thinketh

Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth

An Audience of One

Advanced Affirmation - Law of Attraction

Achieve Anything in Just One Year

A Course in Mastering Alchemy

7 Keys to Success

Unlimited Memory

The Worry-Free Mind

The Power of Concentration


Notes on a Nervous Planet

The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

10,000 Dreams Interpreted

7 Keys to Personal Change

How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You
NLP - Forbidden Patterns (including October Man sequence)

Creating Irrestible Influence with NLP

The Structure of Unconscious Excuses

Figuring Out People

NLP - Amazing new Mindpower Secret

Four New Hypnotic Language Patterns

NLP - The Secret to Creating Chemistry

Millionaire Mindset Declarations

Declutter Your Mind

... and a lot more!

If you're feeling stuck or trapped in life, you owe it to yourself to get the strategies and techniques within these ebooks, that you can use to get the life and love you want!​​​​

Grab this deal!  You're getting immediate access to 20 Ebooks, valued at $957 dollars, for only $67 dollars!  That's a 93% discount and a savings of $890 dollars!

And, if you order before the timer runs out, you'll also get Instant Access to the Bonus Surprise Pack (Ebook Collection), an amazing collection of 190 ebooks ... a $3,740 dollar value!


Click the "Buy Now with PayPal" button below to get instant access to the entire ebook collection, 20 ebooks, a $920 dollar value, for only ...


Order with confidence
This is a safe, secure payment using PayPal verified™ payment and SendOwl™ fulfillment services.

What happens next?  
After you pay, using the safe, secure payment, you will get instant access to all of the 20 ebooks.  They are in digital format PDF (Portable Document Files) files.  You can begin reading them immediately.

Bonus Surprise Pack
If you order before the countdown timer runs out, you get Instant Access to the Bonus Surprise Pack (Ebook Collection), 190 ebooks, valued at $3,740 dollars.

How do I save the ebooks?
You can right-click on your mouse or mouse pad to save them to your desktop.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Due to the fact that this is a huge discount, all sales are final.  This Ebook Collection Bundle does not come with a money back guarantee.  Thank you for understanding.

How do I contact you? 
Text: 347-557-5487

© The 3 Secrets of Happiness, 2019 & Beyond